The Power Of Common Ground, A Poetic Memoir

Okey-dokey artichokey, here is my latest thing. 
My silence wasn’t idleness, I was just healing from rejection’s Sting

Who are those rejecting me? you ask… 
Well for starters, those Deciding not to wear a mask

It is so true that From our deepest pain, comes our greatest gifts 
But More on that later, Lets not get sidetracked by manufactured tiffs

CommonGround is a place to fight for Democracy with the Power Of Connection 
Exposing indoctrination and manipulation with Fear, Hate, and Rejection 

Coming back to Center & one reality based on verifiable facts as proof 
Fighting false realities that manipulate & control By calling lies, The Truth 

When I depend on the Collective for safety and to Function… 
I don’t have a side or desire to be “right”... I welcome any Question 

Why am I here, with this need to speak out? That's the hardest part… 
All about me, and my history? I don't even know where to start… 

Should I start with my other accounts shut down because they didn't agree, 
with the misleading lies that create a false reality? 

Or do I begin with being forced to wake up when faced with my lowest low? 
When loss from sickness destroyed the illusion of my control? 

Awakening to the Truth was so hard for me. 
Because I was raised in the Cult of Toxic Positivity. 

I knew The Secret to be in control of everything and more   
My false reality was at my command, making my ego feel superior 

When paralysis and pain suddenly made my body deteriorate, becoming diminished. 
Forced to face reality when I couldn’t command ALS away. I was almost finished. 

Searching for a diagnosis for this disease I have; even though it doesn't have me. 
Showed me how to find the source of the disease targeting our Democracy. 

ALS & our Fascist history makes me want to use my time as wisely as I can. 
I can feel those overtaken by these cruel diseases, no matter how fast they ran. 

I often wonder why I am so lucky, my heart goes out to those gone way too soon. 
I want to make my precious  time matter, by helping prevent impending doom. 

My home, body, & autonomy are under assault in this Information War right now. 
I want to reach the people who are attacking without understanding why or how. 

The disabled are the largest minority & the only one that anyone can become part of instantly. 
Disability made me Invisible, Dismissed. Despised. Shenned. REJECTED. The subject of bigotry. 

You have to be part of a minority to understand this damage fully. 
I know from the other side, how hard it is to Recognize when you’re the bully 

I am continuously amazed by the power I access since becoming disabled 
It turns out the ultimate power is not found in perfection as it is so fabled 

I genuinely want my experiences to help save our freedoms, species, and home. 
I don’t want you to have to suffer, to realize we are one and you were never alone. 

I hit rock bottom refusing medicine. My body became so weak it was done. 
I finally accepted that I’m not in control grateful for all help from anywhere & anyone. 

Once you wake up it’s so clear. False realities are meant to divide & keep us apart. 
We have been doing what our enemies wanted from the very start. 

The Toxic Patriarchy’s Powerful are narcissistic abusers & masters of disguise. 
They will act just like you. Making you trust them when they tell you lies. 

I know this because when I was questioning, they were there, patiently waiting 
I was convinced that I was immune, as I turned into what I was hating 

We are told not to talk about Politics, Money, or Religion… Avoiding Negativity. 
I couldn’t see worldwide Injustice, Corruption, Crimes Indoctrinated & Brainwashed by The Cult of Toxic Positivity 

It All makes SO much sense now. Yes, every single thing. 
When I finally woke up to the truth. Yes, an awakening. 

It’s manipulative and misleading to claim something is “Science” and a “Law” 
When questions are negative so forbidden and life proving it wrong is your failure, not it''s flaw 

How Ironic that Fascism succeeds by destroying both the Rule of Law & Science -
 A False Reality divides, controlling with shunning, demanding complete compliance

Clinging to my false reality, Seriously almost took me out. -
I want to make it easier for others to understand what it's all about 

In this toxic Patriarchy, everything is a competition, insults are the way to tease. 
The only things it was okay for underage models to say were yes, sorry, and please. 

This all makes criticizing others one of the hardest things for me. 
Especially when a manager's flattery sets her apart in luxury hospitality 

I have never spoken up against a Political Candidate or even a Party. 
I trusted people to discern the Truth, voting for their best interest in a Democracy. 

I am speaking out now because confirmation bias is making us ALL to go along with the rest... -
I trust that we ALL want to know the Truth instead of feeling smarter, superior->The Best 

I know I would not want to feel smartest while looking like a complete and total fool... -
Someone tricked into being a Useful Idiot Is fighting for our enemies, used as a tool. 

Research doesn’t start with a belief that you find evidence to support 
There are not versions of the truth that you swear to tell in court

I understand how it feels to be completely lost, not knowing which way to go 
I want to be the help that I wish I had to show me how to step into the flow.

Empathy fills me with understanding, making it easy to stay not quiet anymore. 
So when you’re faced with repeated history, You can do what you wish had been done before. 

It is easy to resist the trap of distraction & always pointing fingers. -
You can see through their desperate deflection from history that lingers. 

I grew up with law abiding Republicans who honored church & state separation. -
I believed they conserved our money and what it meant to be an American

I soon realized that the right only conserved their power and the war machine -
Even before  President Clinton was the only one who put the deficit in the green 

Add these realizations to the corruption and excess happening on the left - 
Clearly both sides were using power to line pockets, distract, blame, mislead and deflect.

When I traveled the world as an “uneducated” Rural ‘Merican, even living in Manhattan- 
I saw how America was like an immature teenager, knowing it all with a passion- 

This Immaturity makes it hard to own up to even obvious mistakes that everyone can see- 
 A country exclaiming what about?! Everyone should focus on MY needs and ME!!

Childhood trauma can create adults who act selfish & narcissistic. 
An ego protecting an inner child, is easy to call  a “deplorable” hick
I became an “Independent” and mastered manifestation at about the same time.  -
 Believing that seeing the corruption would just help create more crime.

Hours I spent massaging gave others peace. While giving me insight. 
Into the minds, hearts, and even spirits of those, we are being told to fight. 

I fought so hard to come back from illness, re-building my business once again. 
To have it lost unnecessarily to ego death throes and the incompetence of a few men. 

As a disabled woman, I lost my business to a forced isolation, that’s lasted two years straight. 
Grieving this loss created the way to fight this fascist attack, in yet another stroke of fate. 

As if all this is not enough; my little town has the most appropriate name. 
Truth Or Consequences’ has a history that is also much the same. 

A land that's richer in treasures would have been hard for colonizers to find. 
Like the Ruling class now, the conquerors of this land were also not fair or kind. 

This oasis in the desert, with healing hot springs waters that are mineral-rich 
 Were fiercely guarded by Apache who could defend this land without a hitch. 

The Apache only lost because some of them helped those Colonizing -
Just like us now, they would have won by coming together in a unified uprising 

These natives fought the intruders fiercely but they were split into different tribes. 
Like us too, they fought each other instead of coming together completely unified

The Apache would soak together in hot spring water, laying down their weapons to heal. 
It's not like we don't know how to be civil or kind, understanding how each other feels. 

Imagine how different things would be now if the Natives had unified back then. 
What would we repeat -> reverse -> intensify to move past this karmic lesson? 

Pandemics are a repeating lesson, from Mother Nature and the Earth. -
Viruses show our interconnection, if one of us is hurting = we all will hurt. 

I learned this lesson intimately when dormant pathogens Inside meo mkbegan reactivating. 
A daily fight for my life Makes our future with Covid Have a terrifyingly familiar ring. 

The more I learn, the less I know; I'm not trying to teach 
I'm just doing the best I can To practice what I preach. 

I can see how Fate & Karma has made my life run on fast forward, 
being a step ahead can be lonely always showing where to go toward 

I'm choosing to fight for Truth and Justice instead of adventuring on my bike 
Because I want my son and my daughter to have a home and  individual rights 

It is also because to Democracy; I can definitely relate, -
Those wanting to Protect me, are also attacking me with hate. 

My close family is indoctrinated, tricked to think I am the one under a spell and to blame 
Because I spoke up when they believe that Fascism and Democracy are one and the same 

I discovered Q regurgitating Nazi Fairy Tales that claim 
Putin and his Puppet POTUS Are the only two without blame 

Those who want to Save Democracy by supporting attacks on America’s Capitol and Ukraine 
Are proving they are victims of the Right openly joining A Russian Disinformation Campaign. 

American Oligarchs who crave Putin’s Control Own clowns like Ted Cruz and Tucker. 
Using them to make loyal rural American give up their rights so they look like a sucker. 

Tricked to yearn for a country that only allows the worship of orthodox Christianity 
Their desire for a government To dictate what they can worship is temporary insanity 

I’m also being shut down For the hard truth that there is no “good side” anymore 
Those at the top have unified So we need to do the same & become impossible to ignore

If you are on the “Left” believing you are superior while calling these victims stupid fools 
Then you are a victim too. It’s so hard to see your mirror and that you are used as their tool

We have an opportunity to come together and prevent more and more horror 
Learning from those who came before us, watching neighbors join Hitler's furor 

Those in power want you feeling threatened, afraid, ready to fight 
Making you forget hard-earned lessons fighting to give up our rights 

I will not sit by any more, Afraid to point out hard Truths, or share hard-earned tools. 
While we are tricked to give the powerful control ofour reproduction and schools 

I hope it is my desire to help with love and gratitude that you feel shining though
Triggers are your intuitive wisdom’s way To show you unhealed trauma and hard truths.

A false reality where you are always right opens you up to manipulation
These are the consequences of avoiding the truth time and time again

This Paradigm is shifting into the next whether the collective realizes it or not. -
It is up to us to prevent repeating our darkest days by applying what we've been taught. 

This Paradigm is shifting into the next whether the collective realizes it or not. 
It is up to us to prevent repeating our darkest days by applying what we've been taught. 

I am asking you to join me on this mission to turn this thing around 
Wherever you are in the process, there are agreements to be found

My heart is full of so much hope, because we share so very much CommonGround 
I know this is a time of terrific potential, For a change that is profound