Democracy’s Demise

Why did The land of the free, and the home of the brave 
Become the land of the meeeee home of the depraved

Why are Americans preferring easy lies over hard truths?
Believing The Big Lie over veritable facts with abundant proof? 

Clearly our foreign enemies despise all that is “The West”- 
When their people lack freedom so they yearn, fight and protest

When the military might is impossible to match
Then Lies, fear, and propaganda are all that will catch

Active measures turns even small divides into chasms 
While greedy politicians turns unified hearts into thrashing spasms

Who celebrates when elections are questioned?
Who wins when Democracy is threatened?  

What do fascist, communist, Dictators, tyrants and terrorists most fear?
That an empowered population free to express, speak, and worship is near.

Treating a disease’s symptoms instead of it’s roots will never fully Heal
Some diseases have to reach their destinations for their origins to reveal

So honestly where has this virus of misinformation led?
In a Big Lie meant today ensure American Democracy is Dead.

If Democracy Dies then who loses and who wins?
Is this really the way America will pay for it’s Sins? 

Who wants the most powerful country in the world to fail?
What country did the US of A Divide, Destroy and De-rail?

Why does Q’s Army share our enemies’ wildest dream?
Who benefits most when Americans are not on the same team?

People demand equality as they come together 
Only wanting to make their lives better

Those who created a system that benefits only them 
Rich white powerful corrupt and cruel men

How far would they go to keep their seat?
Would an Autocracy be beneficial for the powerful elite?

A Democracy requires opinions to be different and realities to be shared
Broadcast Licenses and Truth needs to be paired 

If boobs and cussing can be policed by the FCC than lies can too
Enough of letting people lie to you.

You know what is right and who is best
This is every single American’s ultimate test

If insurrections and fighting is what determines an election
Then how will your vote have any traction?

What Government do you want future Generations to live under?
Autocracies are guaranteed to rob, steal and plunder

Hating those in power is a motivating fuel
To help a Candidate campaign to win votes and eventually rule

Despising opponents is not a reason to give your power away 
So the ones who lie the most can indefinitely stay

What if you are wrong, we all have been before
What if those you trust are just taking more and more and more

If someone is caught in a lie, hawking fear or trying to divide
Then you are allowing them to manipulate you without any pride

Waking up to the truth is one of the hardest things to do
But the power of Awakenings have been proven to be true

I trust that eventually Americans will do what is right , 
and resist the temptation to continue to fight

You, yes YOU are a soldier in a war with information used as a weapon