
Welcome! Let’s come together!

It’s About Right & Wrong, NOT Right & Left!

This is a community dedicated to finding Common Ground & exposing the tactics being used to divide us.

 It is time to come together to protect our freedoms, reclaim our rights, and save our Democracy. It’s up to all of us to replace the darkness, hurt, and fear with empowerment, healing, and light.

Hate, Threats & Intolerance Have NO Place Here.

Please Help us come together by taking The CommonGround Survey!

Your Ideas Matter!

black & white photo of Tommy Douglas making a speech, with his right finger pointed to the sky and the quote "Once more, let me remind you what fascism is. I need not wear a brown shirt or a green shirt. Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power f exploitation and special privilege."

  • This is a space that is safe for ALL ideas to be shared. 
  • We believe everyone should decide what is best for them with accurate & truthful information
  • The weaponization of viewpoints will not be tolerated here.
  • If you have no tolerance for lies and manipulation, you are in the right place.
  • We are dedicated to saving Democracy and protecting our freedoms.
  • This is a place without “sides” – For Everyone
  • This is a place for those seeking accurate information to base their decisions on. 

This is a new Paradigm… Let’s come together & make it work for everyone, not just those at the very top

Our strength comes from our diversity and tolerance.

It’s up to ALL of us!

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